Saturday, March 8, 2014

Powerful Xpaths

XPATHs are powerful way to traverse and query the xml documents. I am listing here some of the useful xpaths and their meaning to keep it handy.

purchaseOrder - select all nodes with the name purchaseOrder
/purchaseOrder - select the root element purchaseOrder
/purchaseOrder/items - select all item elements that are children of purchaseOrder
//items - select all items elements irrespective of their locations in the entire document
purchaseOrder//items - select all items child element of purchaseOrder irrespective of their location under purchaseOrder element.
/purchaseOrder/* - select all child nodes of purchaseOrder element.
// - select all elements in the document
/purchaseOrder/items[last()] - select the last items element of purchase order.
/purchaseOrder/items[position()<3] - select first two items child elements for purchaseOrder
//items[@partNum] - select all elements that have attribute name 'partNum'
//items[@partNum='123'] - select all items elements that have attribute name 'partNum' having value 123
/items/item[price>300] - select all item element under items that have 'price' element with value greater than 300.

Demystifying OIC, OCI and Oracle SOA CS

What is OIC (Oracle integration cloud), OCI (Oracle cloud infrastructure), and SOA cloud service and how they are different? - This has bee...